We strongly recommend that you make your hotel reservations as soon as possible, as it is very difficult to book these hotels close to the conference date.
Residencia Universitaria Burgo de las Naciones
Ten single rooms have been provisionally reserved at the Residencia Universitaria Burgo de las Naciones (https://www.usc.gal/es/servicios/area/residencias/residencia-universitaria-burgo-nacions), located a few meters from the venue of the congress, for the nights of 06/28/2023 to 06/30/2023.
Interested persons must confirm their reservation at the USC University Residence Service, before 06/23/2023, through the following LINK. This link leads to a page where you must indicate the rooms you need to reserve and the nights of your stay. On another page you must complete the billing information corresponding to the payment of their reservation. Finally, a secure gateway will allow you to pay for your reservation by credit or debit card.
The cost amounts to €33/night (VAT included). If you select the ‘student’ option and justify this condition by attaching a supporting document (student card, University enrollment, etc…), the cost amounts to €22/night (VAT included).
Boutique Hotels next to the conference
Altamira: https://www.pazodealtamira.com/
Altair: https://www.altairhotel.net/
Atalaia y Denike: https://www.atalaiahoteles.com/
Carris: https://www.carrishoteles.com/es/hotel-carris-casa-de-la-troya/
Costa Vella: https://www.costavella.com/
Moure: https://www.mourehotel.com/
San Miguel: https://sanmiguelsantiago.com/
Other hotels
Alda: https://aldahotels.es/
San Franciso: https://www.sanfranciscohm.com/es/
USC: https://www.usc.gal/casaeuropa/
Casa Beatnik https://es.casabeatnik.com/